Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Candle Nut

The CandleNut (TCN) is born!

After the rejection fron the heritage conservation board, my sister suggested i creat a blog to show what i've got! hahaha im trying this out but dont know how long it will last... here goes nothing

Then CandleNut(TCN) is a blog to showcase the peranakan food and heritage. Some of the items here are for sale and you can place an order for special peranakan delicacies fratured here. These recipies were handed down from generation to generation from the Tan family.

The Candlenut

The 'CandleNut' like its name, is a nut. It comes from a tree, Scientifically known as Aleurites moluccanus. The candlenut is a very hard and oily nut. Being very bland and tasteless, this modest but very important ingredient is always overlooked. In Peranakan cooking, this nut is pounded together with the spices; chilies, shallots & belacan(prawn paste) to create a rempah, the most important part of a good peranakan dish. The purpose of this nut is as a thickening agent!

My grandmother and her sister in the 30's