Monday, July 13, 2009

How are you concidered PERANAKAN?

The very word Peranakan means a child born as a result of mix marrages. There are many types of peranakans in South east asia, in Singapore , indonesia & Malaysia it self, we have quite a few types. The main types found here are the Chinese Peranakans, Indian Peranakans AKA Chitty, Jawi Peranakans, and the Eurasians.

The way i identify my self as peranakan is :-

1. my family background is peranakan, so im peranakan

2. i cook ayam buah keluak and other peranakan dishes with family recipes.

3. my grandmother owns very old sets of diamond and gold kerosangs.

4. there are pictures of my ancestors in baju kebaya and baju panjang.

5. grandmother knows the right way to wear the sarong.

6. i speak malay and teochiew and english

7. i make sambal the old way, pounding spices with the mortar and pestel .

8. i see kebayas hanging in my grand mothers cupboad

9. granny has kasut manik.

10. we have a long history that can be traced back??

11. we are asociated with prominant people in history??

12. i have a batik shirt that i wear on special ocassions.

13. my family goes to the straits chinese church,Prinsep Street .
14. my family has a special ointment for aches and pains. Its called 'Minyak Urat' and i have the recipe!i think i do at least.. have to dig it out ...oops..

Being Peranakan is special to me. I feel proud to be a peranakan because i feel its very special, 'ROJAK' (mixed up) vibrant and unique culture!

1 comment:

  1. Strange every one in this day and age wants to be considered part Peranakan. I can remember growing up and constantly taunted by many chinese "friends" who used to snicker behind our backs because we could not speak any Chinese dialect. Being forced to learn Mandarin in school was pure torture. I am proud to be a true blue peranakan (both parents from Malacca and straits born) and yes to all who quiz me about not being able to speak another language, No I speak only English, Think all my thoughts in English and Yes... I do dream in the English language. And to all who think they can change me, as my maths teacher used to scold me "tak amek pot" (only the true blue nyonya's will understand that) I could'nt give a damn.
