Monday, July 13, 2009

The Monkey God

I recently obtained a Taoist Diety of a Monkey GOD. He is commonly known as Sun Wu Kong in the chinese classic Journey To The West. From the Peranakan Museum Guide, he is also known as Qitian Dasheng, The Great Sage Equal To Heaven by chinese. The Peranakans call him Tai Seng Ya. Further reading can be found from the Peranakan Museum Guide.

Many collectors do not collect Dieties because it is regarded as 'Pantang' as they fear spirits inhabit the statue. Some collectors who are muslim or christians, it is purely because their eligion forbids them to have idols. For me, i collect them purely because of the good work of art. these pieces are of exceptional good workmanship because they are very important in the taoist belief and rituals.
After much observation, I have concluded that it is made entirely of moulded plaster. He stands up 26 cm high and holds a staff in one hand and his other hand bent backwords framing his starry GOLD eyes. His eyes are important as belivers say he can see through evil in every form as a result of failur from being destroyed by the Gods Of Heaven.

Unfortunately, his red hair that comes out just at his temples on both sides have mostly fallen out. Only a few stringy red pigmented strands remain.

His robe is in excelent condition, with beautiful details of a Dragon in the front and frills all around. He is heavily gilt from head to base. There seems to be a thin layer of brownish red lacquor protecting the gilding.

At the base, there seems to be a partial relief design of the Buddhist 'Wheel Of Law' its also gilded. In Sanskrit known as Dharma Chakra, this symbol represents the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Paths, the fundamental teachings of Buddhism. These teachings were preached by the Buddha in his first sermon after he achieved enlightenment in the 6th century bc. This sermon is known as “The Turning of the Wheel of Law.”

A Wheel Of The Law from a chinese tapestary.

The base has a wooden panel, probably ply wood. I belief that it was placed at the base to cover the plaster and to create a smooth and stable surface.

The designs on this statue is concidered quite detailed and despite its age, its in very good condition.
Over all i believe this statue is a remarkable work of art and im lucky to have obtained it. Unfortunately i didnt get the job in the conservation center, thus , he remains quite dirty and grimey. Please let me know if any one is willing to conserve him! hahaha.

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